Australian entrepreneur thought leader and leading NLP Master Practitioner Dr Kim Brown says it doesn’t have to be this way. This refreshing perspective could be a game changer for many SMEs around the world. Dr Kim has a viral TEDx Talk and is widely respected on this and similar topics.
Dr Kim says
“What if we could make sales sexier? More about the service and the impact rather than the icky feeling of asking for money.
Why do people feel so icky when asking for money? Is it because of their lack of worth or lack of value? For so many clients and students that I have worked with over the years, sales is a dirty word. Yet without making a sale, a transaction, business can’t survive.
So, what if we looked at it from another perspective? What if your product or service was literally the one thing that would change the game for this potential client? What if YOU had the answer to all their problems? Shouldn’t you sell them your product or service? “
Dr Kim says NLP Coaching is key in the implementation of this.
Dr Kim continues
“I am 100% sure that the trainings and coaching services I offer are life changing. I have many testimonials and raving fans to back up that idea. So, I feel it is a duty to be impactful and serve them. Hold their hand through the next steps of the process so they feel supported because when people are reaching out for coaching, they could be at their most vulnerable. They could be at their most sticky time, and they could be at rock-bottom. There are some people that have sat in the darkness for months or years before they have finally plucked up the courage to ask for help.
I hear from a lot of people when they have hit rock-bottom because that’s the point of crisis in their life where change must happen because there’s nowhere else to go. The crisis point is where the nervous system is literally trying to upskill and upscale to climb out of the crisis. You may look in your past and realize where you have hit a crisis and you had to really overcome a mountain to get to the next step in life. It’s the way life works. Now when people hit that crisis point something just went wrong, something blew them for six. That’s when people reach out for coaching cos they know and appreciate that the last couple of times they went through these challenges in life it was bloody difficult on their own, so now is the time to reach out for help and support.
Therefore, I say that this is a beautiful opportunity to serve these people and in order to serve them there needs to be a sale. It’s a beautiful process, it’s impactful. It’s not sleazy used car salesman style. It is “how can I help? And let me take you through this journey so I can help”.
Each one of my training students or coaching clients have been sold to. I wouldn’t be able to run my company without those sales. Not one of my clients say the sale was forced or icky. We just have a beautiful conversation and we talked about what it is they wanted to get out of NLP and how can I help? Most of my clients come through recommendations from someone else because that’s how most impact-based businesses operate, not because I’m a pushy salesperson but because I appreciate what the client needs.
I know how cranky pants I am when my body or mind is not functioning at peak, and I will do anything to get my client to their peak ASAP. Through my NLP training I’ve been able to recognize that so much of what someone is suffering from is emotional and from their past traumas so I now can offer a more impactful service but it’s through conversation and questioning that I can establish the need and therefore know what to offer.
Sales simply support my pure intentions because I want everyone to learn NLP. I personally believe it will change the game for how people relate to each other, for how people communicate to each other and for how families can come together because they understand that each person communicates differently. That’s not good or bad, it’s just differently.
For small business owners that bust their ass and barely make ends meet I am so passionate about helping people get off the hamster wheel because I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to work 18 hours a day and not pay the mortgage at the end of the month. I’ve been there. So, therefore I’m so passionate about sales because I know how much that sucks when you are absolutely ripping your own heart out trying to make difference, and you can’t afford your own mortgage at the end of the month. And then you have the shameful experience about having to ask your parents to help. I’ve been there.
My intentions are pure when I want small businesses to have more because no one should be in that position where they are smart, strong, independent people but they just haven’t yet got the courage to ask for their worth. This is why I’m passionate, this is why I go all in. It’s because I know how hard small business owner’s work. Been there, done that.
Whatever triggers come up for you when it comes to sales, now is the right time to heal it. There is nothing more important than getting the money in for your business, and that’s not from a rude or obnoxious point-of-view. It’s simple math’s. If you don’t have enough to pay your mortgage, good luck talking to the bank about your love and passion. They don’t care.
I’m super passionate about making sure small business owners and entrepreneurs earn what they are worth, so whatever is in the way and whatever I’m triggering in you, I say it with love, “good!” Because that’s how we’re going to be able to shift what’s going on for you. This is not being the sleazy car salesperson and selling someone a lemon, that’s not what this is about. This is about serving the client and making sure the client gets well and improves their lives, getting the results they want.
I know money is a sucky subject for most of you and I get it! Please understand I am passionate about this for a reason. I’ve been there, done that and I refuse to let others go through it if I can make a difference.
This is why I care so much, and I will do anything in my power to help you heal the wounds of sales. Heal the wounds of “I’m not good enough”. Heal the wounds of “I’m not worthy enough”. Heal the wounds to believe that light healers, sound healers and energy healers can’t have money. It’s BS! I’m dedicated to making sure that you get to heal that to be able to charge your worth and be ok with receiving because it’s all fine and dandy if you put your prices up, but then you’re too scared to tell anyone about it because you’ve got “fear of judgement”.
Your money mindset matters. You matter. Sales matter.”
Dr Kim Brown is on a mission.
Media contact:
Name: Dr Kim Brown
Email: [email protected]
Melbourne, Australia
Country: Australia