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How Sales Ethos Can Help You Charge What You’re Worth


Unfortunately, approximately 20% of small businesses fail within their first year. Some of these businesses fail due to poor planning and a lack of demand on the market. In today’s high-inflation markets, many struggle to break even due to low margins. Evidently, these entrepreneurs have difficulty valuing their products and skills against the competitive market.

Ben Lai, founder of Sales Ethos, has made it his mission to help people understand the value of their services. He founded the business after finding that people were often underpinning the significance of their service due to imposter syndrome. In many cases, these business owners didn’t think they were good enough to charge the market rate. So, they often worked themselves to the bone to ensure they could bring in profit. In the long-term, if these entrepreneurs remained unable to increase their pricing to its true value, they would often be forced to shut down the business.

Ben began his career in nursing before ultimately switching to sales to pursue his dream of professional speaking. He combines genuine care and proven sales techniques to help his clients sell more. 

When asked about the benefits his services have brought to business owners across Australia, Ben commented, “We work best with clients who are undercharging to better articulate their value and to price themselves at market rates. This differentiation makes their clients less price-sensitive and more likely to buy.”

In one particular instance, Ben assisted Joe, a roof repair tradie who was charging half the market rate for his services. Although he had impeccable services, Joe’s low prices meant he was constantly working on the tools and didn’t have the time to expand his business. On top of this, the lack of profit meant he couldn’t step away from work to experience a good work-life balance. Ben and the team at Sales Ethos helped Joe by affirming his flawless service record, his fantastic warranty and compared it to what other contractors were charging. This helped Joe to see past his self-limiting beliefs. Within three months, Joe doubled his profits, which gave him the resources to scale his business drastically.

Although Ben has a passion for assisting business owners, his sales strategies can be applied in various other fields. The range of clients Ben and his team can assist include: 

  • Sales Professionals
  • Medical Professionals
  • Customer Service
  • LinkedIn Lead Generation

If you are interested in improving your sales, the Sales Ethos team is always happy to help. Contact them to get started today.

Morris is a Technology enthusiast and a writer by night. He has been a part of eTrendy Stock for quite some time and he contributes knowledgeable news articles from the Technology niche.

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