The Fakhon news agency reports that Akmal Mamarakhimov, a local farmer from the Vabken district of the Bukhara region, turned part of the territory of the Varakhsha steppe into a prosperous 120-hectare farm

The farm was named “Hastanapur”. At the moment, part of the area is allocated for the cultivation of cotton and spiked crops; the rest – is for orchards. This garden will fully provide for many markets and enterprises in Uzbekistan with fruits. The farmer began work on creating a garden a few years ago. In 2013, he mastered the technology of making raisins and dried fruits from apples, plums and cherry plums. He increased the garden area by 15 hectares and planted apricots, pears and apples there.

How was it possible to achieve such success? Well, for several years, members of the farm have been taking care of the trees they brought from the Kuva district of the Fergana region. They observed the regimes of all necessary agrotechnical measures to almost a tee.

Today, the farm employs 40 people. This business is now partially headed by Zhansur, the son of Akmal. The young farmer intends to continue his father’s work – he bought six cows of elite breed, 110 sheep, and 120 laying hens and organized a reservoir on 40 acres for growing fish. In the future, the farm promises to become a diversified complex that will feed and enrich the entire region.
The farm development strategy for 2023 is designed to bring products to the markets of Europe and America. To implement this strategy, Akmal Mamarakhimov is constantly negotiating with the largest chain stores in Europe.