Digital Journal

Gainskills Nextgen Manufacturing Excellence Confex and Awards 2024 – Mumbai Chapter


Developing strategies for creating Intelligent, Sustainable & Future ready Manufacturing processes.

The Digital India’s Manufacturing Confex & Awards 2024

Maharashtra, India, 27th September 2024, ZEX PR WIRE, The current industrial landscape is witnessing a paradigm shift, propelled by the aftermath of the pandemic and the imminent arrival of Industry 5.0. Businesses worldwide are actively adapting to these seismic changes in technology and market conditions, strategically positioning themselves to respond to emerging trends. A pivotal aspect of this transformation is the construction of smart manufacturing processes, integrating innovative strategies and leveraging advanced technologies like IoT (Internet of Things), RPA (Robotic Process Automation), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and ML (Machine Learning). These technologies are poised to revolutionize traditional industrial practices, offering unprecedented opportunities for organizations that embrace them proactively. However, the journey towards Industry 5.0 is not without its challenges. Companies grapple with the need to modernize their infrastructure, both physical and digital, to support these cutting-edge technologies effectively. They also face the task of bridging skill gaps, fostering robust innovation ecosystems, ensuring stringent data security and privacy measures, and navigating regulatory frameworks that promote technological innovation while safeguarding consumer interests. In this dynamic landscape, the essence of smart and agile manufacturing processes cannot be overstated. It is crucial for businesses to swiftly adapt and implement these strategies to capitalize on the digital manufacturing revolution fully. By unlocking the true potential of digital technologies, organizations can enhance their competitiveness, drive innovation, and create sustainable growth trajectories in an increasingly tech-driven global economy. The Digital India’s Manufacturing Confex & Awards 2024 is a unique platform for manufacturers to gather and learn from industry leaders’ best practices and success stories. Senior executives and experts will share insights, strategies, and examples, empowering attendees to navigate the evolving digital landscape effectively. This confex aims to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and innovation, driving growth and excellence in India’s manufacturing sector amidst the digital revolution.

Who should attend?

Designation (Only from manufacturing industry CXO’s Head VP Directors GM)

  • Chief Manufacturing Officer

  • Chief Technology Officer

  • Chief Information Officer

  • Chief Supply Chain Officer

  • Chief Operation Officer- Manufacturing only

  • Chief Sustainability Officer

  • Vice President of Manufacturing

  • Director of Operations

  • Plant Manager

  • Plant head

  • Head of Manufacturing

  • Head of Operations

  • Vice President of Supply Chain

  • Director of Manufacturing Excellence

  • Head of Sustainability

  • Director of Quality Assurance

  • Vice President of Engineering

  • Head of Global Manufacturing Operations

  • Head of Automation and Robotics

  • Vice President of Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS)

  • Vice President of Plant Management

  • Vice President of Sustainability

  • VP- IT- manufacturing

  • Head IT – Manufacturing

  • Chief Digital Transformation officer

  • Chief Transformation Officer

  • Vice President – Digital Transformation

  • Director – Digital Transformation

  • Chief Quality Officer (CQO)

  • Executive Vice President (EVP) of Manufacturing

  • Vice President (VP) of Operations

  • Vice President (VP) of Supply Chain

  • Vice President (VP) of Production

  • Vice President (VP) of Engineering

  • Vice President (VP) of Quality Assurance

  • Head of Supply Chain Management

  • Head of Quality Control

  • Head of Production

  • Head of Engineering

  • Head of Maintenance

  • General Manager (GM) of Manufacturing

  • General Manager (GM) of Operations

  • General Manager (GM) of Supply Chain

  • General Manager (GM) of Production

  • Director of Manufacturing

  • Director of Supply Chain

  • Director of Engineering

  • Director of QA & QC

  • Chief Plant Officer (CPO)

  • Chief Logistics Officer (CLO)

  • Vice President of Warehousing

  • Vice President of Sourcing

  • Director of Sourcing

Why Should You Attend?

  • Industry Insights:- Gain deep insights into the latest trends, innovations, and strategies driving digital transformation in manufacturing.

  • Networking Opportunities:- Connect with industry peers, experts, and potential collaborators to build valuable relationships and partnerships.

  • Best Practices Showcase:- Learn from successful case studies and best practices shared by top leaders, inspiring new approaches for your organization.

  • Technology Showcase:- Explore cutting-edge technologies and solutions showcased by leading companies, offering practical insights for implementation.

  • Thought Leadership:- Engage with thought leaders and visionaries who share their perspectives on the future of manufacturing in the digital era.

  • Awards Recognition:- Celebrate and learn from the achievements of industry trailblazers recognized for their excellence in digital manufacturing.

  • Market Intelligence:- Gain valuable market intelligence and industry updates to make informed decisions and stay competitive.

  • Collaboration Opportunities:- Identify potential collaboration opportunities, joint ventures, and business partnerships to drive growth and innovation.

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